Molly Ostertag is an Igntaz and Prism Award winning graphic novelist, as well as a writer for children’s TV animation. She currently lives in Los Angeles, where she’s worked as a designer on the show Star vs. the Forces of Evil (Disney TVA) and as a writer for Thundercats Roar (Warner Bros.). She is currently is a staff writer on the upcoming show The Owl House (Disney TVA).

Her middle-grade graphic novel debut, The Witch Boy, came out in 2017 from Scholastic, followed by the sequel The Hidden Witch in 2018 and NY Times bestseller The Midwinter Witch in 2019. She also put out an award-winning book from First Second in 2017, Shattered Warrior, with author Sharon Shinn, and was the artist on the first four issues of The Castoffs with MK Reed and Brian C Smith.

She illustrates a twice-weekly webcomic about superheroes and social justice, Strong Female Protagonist, with partner in crime Brennan Lee Mulligan. They have run two successful Kickstarters to fund the first and second volumes, and it’s currently distributed by Top Shelf.

Interests include: cats, gay stuff, Dungeons & Dragons, and cooking for her wife. Follow her on Twitter @MollyOstertag for important updates on these subjects.