Please fill in all of the relevant information. If you would like to make your contribution through Paypal, please use the Donate button on the bottom or right side of this page.

Superman/Wonder Woman level sponsors are eligible for a 6 ft table in a prime location and your logo on all of our promotional materials

Iron Man/Moon Girl levels sponsors are eligible for a 3 ft table and your logo on all of our promotional materials

Professor Xavier/Storm level sponsors are listed on our posters and in our brochure

Indispensable Sidekicks are listed in our brochure (although, being indispensable, there may be more surprise benefits 🙂

To contribute by check, please fill out the form and send a check payable to “BOSTON COMIC ARTS FOUNDATION LIMITED”. Please send your tax-deductible contribution to the following address:

PO Box 8154
Salem, MA 01970

Thank you for your support of the Boston Kids Comics Fest 2019!

Sponsorship Levels

Contributing by Paypal or Check(required)

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